Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fire Truck Visit to the Science Club

Thank you to the Toronto Fire Department for their presentation.

Welcome NEW Visions of Science (VOS) Club Members!!!

Next Week: Trip to Cedarbrae Library
                           Map:Cedarbrae Library

The Schedule for February 5, 2011 is the following:
11:00 – 11:15 AM
Meet in the lobby of 4301 Kingston Rd. and Galloway building
Depart to Cedarbrae Library via TTC
11:45 PM
Arrive at Cedarbrae Library
12:00 PM  – 12:30 PM
Forensic Based Program held in library
12:45 PM
Taking the TTC back to the club location
1:15 PM
Arrive at club location

 Note: Please meet at the Science Club at 11:00 am or at the Library for 11:45 am
        Contact Marco Cuzzupoli if you are planning to not meet at the Science Club first.

* Remember to bring Permission Forms!

February 5, 2011 VoSNL Cedarbrae Library Registration Form

Deadline to submit to Science Club: February 5, 2011

Name of child attending: __________________________

Name of Parent / Guardian: __________________________ 
Phone # for Parent / Guardian: ________________

Address of Parent / Guardian (Full Address with Postal Code):


I, ____________________________________ (Parent / Guardian), understand that Visions of Science Network for Learning are only managing the Cedarbrae Library trip logistics.

________________________________                    _________________________                      ________________
(Parent / Guardian) Print Name                          Signature                                              Date


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